Cal-OSHA Compliance
CFDA is proud to partner with Got Safety to announce a new benefit available exclusively to CFDA members. Beginning March 1, CFDA members can purchase comprehensive Cal-OSHA compliance, training, and defense services at a CFDA members-only discounted rate.
Below is an overview of the benefits this service includes, or you can click here to view a detailed brochure.
Pricing and how to sign up:
CFDA members pay just $1,995 to get started (regularly $6,000) and must choose one of the following ongoing monthly subscriptions:
Plan A (OSHA trainings and 16 onsite visits per year): $450/month
Plan B (OSHA trainings and 8 onsite visits per year): $350/month
Plan C (OSHA trainings and 4 onsite visits per year): $250/month
Plan D (OSHA trainings and 2 onsite visits per year): $150/month
Remote Only (OSHA trainings, no onsite visits): $90/month
Download and fill out this order form and email it to matt@forwardmgmt.com
CFDA's comprehensive Cal-OSHA compliance program includes:
Cal-OSHA citation defense
Comprehensive citation review
Writing and filing of Cal-OSHA appeals
Representation at all Cal-OSHA informal conferences and hearings
Comprehensive support from the beginning until your case is settled
Client admin dashboard:
Manage and easily your employee roster
Easily monitor all of your employees’ training progress
Upload and track all your company’s trainings
Statistics dashboard – quickly see where you and your staff are with required trainings
Employee desktop & mobile app:
Over 1,200 bilingual lessons accessible by smartphone, tablet, or PC
Over 800 safety videos
Electronic signature capture
Custom lessons – if the lesson you need isn’t available, a custom one will be made for you at no extra cost
OSHA Program Documentation
Your documentation will be written exclusively for your company, your industry and for your specific location. We will keep your safety programs current with OSHA regulations for as long as you’re on the monthly support plan.
Onsite trainings & inspections
Bilingual instructors facilitate these lessons for your clients at their facility or job site.
Comprehensive onsite inspections by well-qualified inspectors that will check review your safety programs, identify OSHA violations and possible hazards, and provide a summary evaluation report letting you know what needs to be addressed to avoid costly OSHA violation fees
Monthly live webinars providing answers to your OSHA compliance questions and important updates on OSHA laws and regulations